Christ our God, Your Church which has been colored crimson by the blood of your martyrs throughout the world, as with a robe of royal purple and porphyry, cries out to You, “Grant mercy to Your people, give peace to Your flock, bless our souls with Your compassion”. – Troparion of the Sunday of All Saints
Today the Eastern Church concludes the Easter Season with the celebration of the Sunday of All Saints as we meditate upon the words of the Gospel of Matthew and Cyril of Alexandria.
As we conclude this podcast on the journey of theosis, we reflect on those who have already finished their earthly journeys in the Lord. We remind ourselves that what God asks of us is not impossible, especially with the aid of God's great love and mercy and with the continuing prayers of the saints that have gone ahead of us. So, with the end of this podcast series, let us again encourage ourselves and others to answer God's call to convert our lives, proclaim the good news of Jesus' resurrection, and go forth in the light of the Spirit. Let us become each and every day more like the one who became like us.
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The whole universe offers You, O Lord, Architect and Creator of the World, the God-bearing martyrs as the first fruits of creation. Therefore, through the prayers of Your saints and through the intercession of the Birthgiver of God, maintain Your Church and the entire world in perfect security and peace, You who alone are full of mercy! – Kontakion of the Sunday of All Saints
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